World Oceans Day June 8, Oceans Week June 1-8

Welcome to World Oceans Day Education World Oceans Day June 8, World Ocean
Become an Ocean Hero. Please see Tab and pages
World Oceans Day June 8, Oceans Week June 1-8
Become an Ocean Hero. Please see Tab and pages
World Oceans Day June 8
World Oceans Week June 1 -8
Protect the 80% source of our oxygen, source of medicines and jobs by taking action, please !
And protect the trees, the 20% source of our oxygen please !
Adopt A Shoreline & World Oceans Day Education announce you will soon be able to purchase signed books by the authors (who are currently on our Board Volunteering); Go Daddy will handle all for the transaction in either US dollars or Canadian dollars. & Income Tax Receipts
ALL Proceeds to:
Environmental Scholarships
As Certified Ocean Heroes you may apply for our Volunteer Board.
Criteria: must be age 18, from any country on this planet ! Please join in the FUN as we all Make A Difference. We communicate by email ! Once a year we have a conference call !
As Certified Ocean Heroes, you may apply to be on the first ever Junior Board.
Criteria: age 10 to 18, from any country on this planet.. We communicate by email ! Once a year we have a conference call !
Please join in the FUN as we all Make A Difference. It is our hope you will join the senior Board to keep MAKING A DIFFERENCE AROUND THE WORLD !
“At each airport around the world where I arrive or depart my luggage tag says Ted, The Ocean Hero”. And my driver is asked to hold up a sign which says “Ted, The Ocean Hero”. Thousands see my luggage tag and the driver pick up sign”. We are a dynamite small group of volunteers which is Making A Difference ! I see the improvement each time I fly in and fly out. Groups of volunteers can make a difference, encouraging others to volunteer, and work as a TEAM . It is my honor to continue on with World Oceans Day Education and Adopt A Shoreline as a treasured international advisor. .
International import and export was my families business; I was trained by the best, my Dad. Later in life as I embarked on my own import/export career, I had the privledge of traveling literally around the world and feel honored to be asked if I would volunteer as a treasured international advisor as I quietly resigned from the main Board. .
With a successful career in our military behind me, I missed the travel. I looked for a way to travel and volunteer while utilizing my language skills. As I did so I met my wife who had full use of 8 languages and had learned still more. Together we started an international business.... the rest is history. There wasn't a country on this earth that didn't hear about our Ocean Hero program” Those on the current Board say “What would Andy say”? “How would Andy react” ?
World Oceans Week WOW June 1 to 8
"There will be more plastic than fish in our oceans by 2050 if we continue on the path we are on" reports the World Economic Forum. Full article on Media page under Ocean Hero In Action tab.
Scientists believe 90% of the plastics in our oceans come from the rivers and lakes, all of which flow into our oceans. Each of us can stop the flow of plastics. Plastics and Styrofoam are broken up by the sun and water: fish and birds eat the little pieces, causing a slow painful death.
Ocean Networks Canada.
Reefs, Sharks. Dive magazine
Live ocean stream
Shark cam
Open Ocean Live Streams,ocean%2024%20hours%20each%20day.
United Kingdom Estuary partnership.
l liter of water, 1 cig butt and 1 fish is dead in 10 hours. We must pick up cigarette butts !!!
Please join us on FaceBook: World Oceans Day Canada
Twitter X: @WorldOceanDayCA
Instagram: worldoceans_day
All educational materials on this site are FREE to use.
Please join us on Linked In:
Educators please join Educators AROUND THE WORLD: Teaching World Oceans Day
Businesses please join business people around the world: Oceans Day for Businesses
Media please join media worldwide: World Oceans Day Canada
Please visit ADOPT A SHORELINE to list your Group as shoreline cleanup and education heroes.
World Oceans Week WOW June 1 to 8
"There will be more plastic than fish in our oceans by 2050 if we continue on the path we are on" reports the World Economic Forum. Full article on Media page under Ocean Hero In Action tab.
Scientists believe 90% of the plastics in our oceans come from the rivers and lakes, all of which flow into our oceans. Each of us can stop the flow of plastics. Plastics and Styrofoam are broken up by the sun and water: fish and birds eat the little pieces, causing a slow painful death.
Ocean Networks Canada.
Reefs, Sharks. Dive magazine
Live ocean stream
Shark cam
Open Ocean Live Streams,ocean%2024%20hours%20each%20day.
United Kingdom Estuary partnership.
l liter of water, 1 cig butt and 1 fish is dead in 10 hours. We must pick up cigarette butts !!!
Please join us on FaceBook: World Oceans Day Canada
Twitter X: @WorldOceanDayCA
Instagram: worldoceans_day
All educational materials on this site are FREE to use.
Please join us on Linked In:
Educators please join Educators AROUND THE WORLD: Teaching World Oceans Day
Businesses please join business people around the world: Oceans Day for Businesses
Media please join media worldwide: World Oceans Day Canada
Please visit ADOPT A SHORELINE to list your Group as shoreline cleanup and education heroes.
World Oceans Week WOW June 1 to 8
"There will be more plastic than fish in our oceans by 2050 if we continue on the path we are on" reports the World Economic Forum. Full article on Media page under Ocean Hero In Action tab.
Scientists believe 90% of the plastics in our oceans come from the rivers and lakes, all of which flow into our oceans. Each of us can stop the flow of plastics. Plastics and Styrofoam are broken up by the sun and water: fish and birds eat the little pieces, causing a slow painful death.
Ocean Networks Canada.
Reefs, Sharks. Dive magazine
Live ocean stream
Shark cam
Open Ocean Live Streams,ocean%2024%20hours%20each%20day.
United Kingdom Estuary partnership.
l liter of water, 1 cig butt and 1 fish is dead in 10 hours. We must pick up cigarette butts !!!
Please join us on FaceBook: World Oceans Day Canada
Twitter X: @WorldOceanDayCA
Instagram: worldoceans_day
All educational materials on this site are FREE to use.
Please join us on Linked In:
Educators please join Educators AROUND THE WORLD: Teaching World Oceans Day
Businesses please join business people around the world: Oceans Day for Businesses
Media please join media worldwide: World Oceans Day Canada
Please visit ADOPT A SHORELINE to list your Group as shoreline cleanup and education heroes.
World Oceans Day, June 8th, was declared by the United Nations at the urging of Canada. Oceans Week, June 1 - 8, was declared by the Board of World Oceans Day Canada in 2009.
Our goals are to educate about the importance of protecting our waterways, watersheds and ocean waters and habitat and encourage everyone to take action to preserve, conserve and protect. Everyone in the world lives on a watershed. Oceans generate 80% of our oxygen (trees generate 20%). The future of our planet is in our hands. Together we can make a difference.
FREE Video and audio release for songs
"We're Connected (to the Oceans)" to honor World Oceans Day and "Let's Get Drastic With Our Plastic" and "World Without Fish"
On Remy's website:
Water Cycles, Carbon Cycles
L'eau est notre plus beau cadeau
Note: Remy is retired and available to perform live at schools and community centers.
Underwater Ocean Research Camera Reef Cam
Grand Cayman
The Ocean Cleanup
is cleaning our oceans and rivers. 1,000 rivers are responsible for 80% of the plastics entering the ocean from rivers.
World Oceans Day Education
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